Precision System
Oil Based | PANTONE® and Spot Colors
Save money by reducing the material costs for small quantities of mixed colors

Superior’s Precision Color Mixing System helps to save money by reducing the material costs for small quantities of mixed colors to the more economical purchase cost of basic mixing inks.
Precision reduces waste. Ink needs are frequently over-estimated to avoid running short. With the Precision Color Mixing System, you can mix what you need without delay. In-house mixing brings ink costs more in line with actual usage, therefore reducing excess inventory.
Precision makes in-house ink mixing dependable and easy. It is a unique approach to ink mixing. Everything required to operate a successful in-house ink mixing operation is included. The core of the system is Superior’s own set of Precision formulas. Each Precision formula has been fine tuned to the Pantone® guide using the exact same high quality Precision mixing inks we offer to you. This innovative combination has given Precision users a level of accuracy previously unobtainable through in-house ink mixing.
There’s a lot of value tied up in your mixed ink inventory. Like most busy printers you are probably building a sizable inventory of excess mixed ink in the back of your pressroom. Every time you complete a job a little more leftover ink is added to the collection.
Precision enables you to put the mixed inks in your inventory to use. This intuitive program helps clear your shelves by recycling the inks into the exact Pantone® shade you need for today’s job. A glance at your inventory shows how much you stand to gain.